Connie Starrett Stennett

Profile Updated: July 30, 2015
Residing In: Warrenville, IL USA
Spouse/Partner: Randy
Occupation: homemaker
Children: We have 3 sons: Jim born 1979, Brian born 1981, both born in Roanoke, and Matt born 1984 in the Chicago More…suburbs where we moved to in 1983. We have 9 grandchildren, births ranging from 3/01 to 11/13, 5 girls and 4 boys.

I got married on August 9, 1975 to Randy Stennett who graduated from Roanoke Catholic HS. Our first 2 sons were born in Roanoke. We moved to the Chicago 'burbs in 1983. Our 3rd son was born in 1984. I was a stay at home mom until all of our boys were in school.
I've worked in several doctor's offices and a hospital between 1991 and 2002, until I went off on disability.
From 2001 to 2012, I cared for my oldest son's 3 children. Jim and his 1st wife are divorced. He has residential custody of his children. He is a firefighter/paramedic working 24 hour shifts every 3rd day. His new wife, Tracey, is a teacher. She works full-time in the same school district where they live. She also was divorced, but had no children. Her first son was born 11/12, and is Jim's 4th child.
Our next son, Brian, is also a firefighter/ paramedic. He was married in October, 2009. His wife Lauren, has a son Cody, born 2001. They had a daughter born March 2010, and another daughter born June 2011. Cody will soon be adopted by Brian.
Our youngest son, Matt, started out as a children's pastor. Matt has been hired by Willow Creek Church. Willow Creek is a Mega-Church with multiple campuses. He was hired as a children's pastor, and may move up to youth pastor soon. Matt and Crystal have a son, born August 2009, and a daughter born January 2011.
Randy, after being a volunteer for many years, worked as a firefighter/paramedic for 23 years. At the same time, he worked part-time as a respiratory therapist. He changed careers, traveling for GE Healthcare teaching anesthesiologists how to use their newly purchased equipment. In 2008, he went back to respiratory therapy to be closer to home, and to me, as my illness continued to be a problem. He continued at the same hospital as before. He earned several IT certifications to build programs for a new computer recordkeeping system there, and has worked for a few consulting firms in the same capacity.
In my free time, which I have a lot of now, I enjoy sewing, quilting, scrapbooking, jewelry making, knitting, rug hooking and various crafts. I have some inventions in mind, and I also enjoy singing and gardening. I may turn one of these into a home business.
Most important, is my relationship with Christ. He has blessed me so many times. Even at times when I could not see beyond my illness, He was there. I am doing much better after I got a different diagnosis, and proper treatment given. God has seen me through!
In April 2013, I found a breast lump. I was diagnosed with an aggressive breast cancer. Many tests and surgeries were to follow. My treatment began 7/2/13. A "2-punch" chemo mix came first, then different chemo, Proton Therapy (a different type of radiation), and a blocker for the specific cell that caused the cancer. My last infusion will be on August 25th. No signs of cancer in my body now! YAY!Remember, I found it myself, so...LADIES, DO YOUR THING!
When I first felt that lump, I did the whole stress thing. It was evening and I was home alone, as hubby was out of town. After nearly no sleep, I set my feet on the floor. This is what came to me, "Whatever it is, it is. Whatever I have to do, I'll do." I felt completely at peace! I had absolutely no fear!
PEACE and NO FEAR! Who can do that, but God? I have been blessed many, many times over during all of this. God has used my situation to bless so many others, I wouldn't change it.
We went in for a conference. My surgeon told me, "This will take a one year chunk out of your life." In my head, I was saying, "I will NOT let this be a one year chunk out of my life!" There were some bumps in the road along the way, but with God's help, I've been able to live a normal life for the vast majority of the time.

February 13th, I was diagnosed with a brain tumor, same type as my breast cancer. 11 days at hospital #1, before and after brain surgery. Another 14 days at a rehab hospital, where I went through days of PT, OT, Speech therapy, etc. I need to go back for outpatient therapies, but medical stuff first, and no driving for now. I will be rechecked on a regular basis, but I have no fear for the future.

In July, 2015, I was diagnosed with more brain tumors, C-1, and T-5 tumors. I am currently going through radiation. After that, I am entering a clinical trial. I feel good about it.

Please pray for our family.

School Story: What are your memories of high school (i.e. secret crush, embarrassing moment, funniest thing you did in high school, favorite high school hang out, favorite teachers)?

I came to CSHS in the middle of my soph year, from California, and in the midst of severe depression. I was ill and got into some trouble. Unfortunately, I have more bad memories, than good. When I look through the list of classmates, I remember only a few names and faces. I doubt that I made a good impression to many. Most, likely don't remember me.
Some of my good memories include art classes and art club, football games, and a few friends. Mrs. Wilkerson has to be my all-time favorite teacher ever! She took interest in me when I was having problems. She invited me to her home, just to talk.
In 2000, we came to Rke on vacation. I checked, and found out that she was in the same home. We visited with her and her husband, and have exchanged Christmas cards every year. We have visited her on several other occasions since our "1st reunion".
A few years ago, I reconnected with Lynn Jeremiah Sowder on FB. In July 2010, we were able to visit briefly during a trip back to Roanoke. Next time we vacation there, I hope that we'll be able to spend a bit more time together.
Honestly, I don't have a favorite or funny memory during high school. I am a much happier person now than I ever was.

What are your retirement plans and when do you plan to retire?

Retirement is a wish, for now.

What was the dumbest thing you did in high school and did you have fun doing it?

Sneaking out at night with a few friends to go skinny dipping at Spring Run Swim Club.

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Aug 09, 2021 at 8:32 AM
Jul 30, 2015 at 1:08 PM
Feb 25, 2015 at 4:33 AM